Census data shows that the South is attracting newcomers like never before. Long-time Southerner, outdoorsman and author Jim Mize, shares some tips...
The Rural Rules
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An experienced land appraiser explains how he investigates a property to understand what makes it valuable and what detracts from its value.
The Rural Rules video series is back to go over questions you should ask before buying land.
What does a forester look for to know whether a forest is healthy or unhealthy? A forestry expert reviews the signs of great tree health - and signs...
In this edition of The Rural Rules, Jason Shearer explains the good and bad aspects of wetlands, discussing limitations of wetlands as well as the...
A lot of people don't know how big an acre really is, so on this The Rural Rules video, we show you the exact size of an acre.
Introducing our educational video series, which features an insider's guide to buying and owning rural land.