2024 Christmas Gift Ideas for Dad

Dad, Grandpa, award-winning writer and outdoorsman Jim Mize shares practical and fun gift ideas for outdoorsy, homesteady and rural Dads.
Dads can be notoriously difficult to buy Christmas gifts for; they seem to have everything and done everything already. But technologies change, lifestyles change and even Dads wear things out.
Here are a few Christmas gift ideas to consider for Dad. Some are practical and others are just plain fun.
Let’s Start With the Practical : Vehicle Gifts
Dad’s vehicle is a second home. He uses it for work and play. And a lot of things he needs at home he probably needs in the truck.
On the most basic level, he always needs his vehicle to run. Gifts that help do that will always be appreciated.
For instance, a few years ago I got a Weego jump starter that I now keep in the truck.
It’s a small battery pack, less than seven inches long, three inches wide and an inch thick. It falls into the category of things I hope I don’t need but if I ever do it’s invaluable.
As it turns out, I’ve used it twice in just a few years.
The first time I was out of town.
In my earlier days, I simply carried jumper cables. But I found myself in a place where I didn’t know anyone. Rather than flag down a stranger, I was able to jump my own vehicle with a battery pack. That allowed me to get to an auto shop where I could replace the battery.
The second time I was able to provide the favor to someone else.
I now keep the battery pack in my truck in the event I’m off in the mountains fishing and need a jump start. It’s one less thing to worry about when I’m out not worrying about much of anything.
Along these lines I’ll add that a portable air compressor can be equally handy.
Nails and other sharp objects find their way onto roads where they create slow tire leaks. On a dark, wet night a small compressor might save changing tires in the rain.
And since the truck is my home away from home, I keep a duplicate first aid kit there as well. Mostly, I need it for band-aids but if something more serious comes up it’s nice to know I have it with me. And so will your Dad.
Instead of having all this gear rolling around in my truck, I keep it in an organizer.
The one I use comes from Orvis and fits in the floor behind the passenger seat. Another advantage of this one is that it’s the same height as the back seat, so if I’m hauling the dog or groceries, they don’t fall off the seat when I hit the brakes.
Help Dad Keep up With Technology
Another handy category of gifts I’ll classify as those that help Dad keep up with technology.
Living in a rural area, I find that I am often working farther from the house than my extension cords will reach. So any tools that plug in and can be replaced with battery power will come in handy. The two tools that I use most are a drill and a leaf blower.
I’ve found that since I don’t have to fool with cords I use both of these more frequently.
Give the Gift of Fish
For the Dads who might need a break from the chores, consider giving them fish for Christmas.
If Dad is already an avid angler, a couple of types of fishing trips will still appeal to him.
The first is a trip that introduces him to a new area with someone who knows it well. Guided fishing trips make a great gift since all Dad has to do is show up. Everything needed for the day will be provided.
Besides being in a new area, many of these trips offer the chance to catch the fish of a lifetime. For instance, if Dad wants to pursue striped bass, largemouth bass or catfish, a trip on the Santee Cooper lakes in South Carolina offers a chance for a personal best. Or if he just wants to catch a nice mess of crappie, he can do that too.
A good place to start investigating is with the tourism group in the area of interest. For Santee Cooper, you can start here.
The other type of trip Dad will enjoy is a gift for fishing on private water.
For instance, the Soque River in North Georgia is well known for its large trout.
Several lodges offer private-water trips, guided or unguided. Besides limiting the number of anglers on the water, these lodges also manage for larger trout so the fishing will be well above average.
One example is Fern Valley. In addition to usually allowing only four anglers on their section of the Soque each day, they also stock palomino trout. Nicknamed “swimming bananas,” these fish show up brightly in the water and are fun to pursue. They are a first for many anglers.
Besides, giving a fishing trip can be fun for you as well. Just make the gift for two.
You can find out more about Fern Valley on their website here or call them at 770-597-4219.
Whether you want to give Dad something practical or a trip that he will remember for a lifetime, these choices provide a few answers to the question of what to give the person who seems to already have everything.
And if none of these work, there is always the option of giving him a gift card to his favorite store.
Those are always appreciated as well.
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- Best Gifts for Anglers
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