New to managing a forest on your rural land? We asked the Director of Forestry and Regulatory Affairs for the FL Forestry Association about the best...
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If your dreams include achieving an independent lifestyle, getting fully or partially off-grid, and saving money there's no better place to start...
The news of the collapse of honeybee populations in recent years has created much concern about the loss of their ability to pollinate a wide range...
Hunting wild edible plants can be as rewarding as hunting for wild animals. Plus, wild plants are healthy additions to your diet; they’re...
Victory gardens were essential during war times as a means of providing food, community, and security to over 20 million Americans. Today, those...
Space is valuable and we need to take advantage of "lost" space on our property. Fruiting perennial bushes, trees and vines can be an excellent...
We interview an expert in soil science to help you craft the garden of your dreams, even if you don't have a green thumb.
A commitment to healthy living and simplicity on the homestead helped this family improve their son’s health and quality of life.
Being a woman on the homestead can be challenging if you don't know other homesteaders. The Ladies Homestead Gathering aims to make things easier by...
Being passionate about eating well and caring about the food you consume can lead you to some interesting places, like a field of okra.