Taking a break from technology might sound interesting and scary at the same time. With devices so ingrained in our daily lives, many people aren’t...
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We look at 5 scientifically-proven ways trees help prevent health problems and even reverse chronic diseases in adults and children.
When we started writing about the draws of country life one year ago, we had no idea how much health would play a role in the story.
Research makes the case for the benefits of the outdoors for kids, from reducing ADD and ADHD symptoms to better eyesight. We look at the research...
What is earthing? Our health writer explains the practice that scientific and medical studies are showing could change your health for good.
Last Child in the Woods author Richard Louv argues the rising use of technology in education makes kids' need for nature even stronger.
Did you know sunshine fights disease and promotes spectacular health? It's time to embrace the light!
Health writer Kristen Boye looks at the latest scientific studies showing how rural living builds powerful immunity in people.
Five ways living in the country can give you a huge boost in your health by reducing daily stress levels.
Did you know Americans spend nearly 27 billion dollars on nutritional supplements annually, according to Consumer Reports?