Check out these podcasts to learn new homesteading skills while doing simple tasks like cooking dinner, prepping your garden or collecting eggs. We...
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It's already mid-February and although it's not quite planting time, there are signs of spring throughout the Southeast. Learn what you can do (and...
Wooded properties aren't just for growing timber! To learn more about agroforestry, we talked to Professor and Forest Management Extension...
Wondering what to gift your favorite homesteaders or hobby farmers for the holidays? Check out these top 10 gift ideas any back-to-the-lander will...
Fall leaves are beautiful...and can be a pain to clean up, especially on larger properties. However, with a little bit of effort and a decent lawn...
Do you spend big dollars every spring and fall to purchase new bedding plants for your flower beds? If so, you might find that transitioning to...
In our modern “cast-aside” society, we often see items discarded that are easily repairable or recyclable. We need look no further than our recent...
Basil is one of those plants that just loves our hot, sticky, southern summers. And that means most of us wind up with far more than we can...
Wet, swampy areas on your land can be a headache. Consider these natural landscaping solutions to make the most of excess water.